In todays world more people than ever are mentally unstable. Depression, anxiety, violence, irrational and anti-social behavior are escalating in our society. Research published in the medical journal Biological Psychiatry indicates that some foods may effectively treat some of these problems.

It seems Hippocrates spoke the truth when he said, “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food”.

That research found that omega-3 fatty acids and foods high in a substance called uridine reduced the symptoms of depression as well as or better than three popular antidepressant drugs. Other research highlights the benefits to mental health of several other nutrients.

Omega-3 fats: Over 60 per cent of the human brain is made of fats and much of the fats in your brain are identical to the omega-3 fats found in fish oils. Your grandmother was right – fish is brain food. Major medical institutions worldwide now use high doses of omega-3 fats to treat depression and other mental disorders. Even if you are taking antidepressant drugs, high doses of omega 3 fatsmake the drugs more effective and may often replace them.

Fish, flax seed and walnuts are the best dietary sources of the omega 3 fats. In addition to eating wholesome fatty fish, everyone can benefit from taking omega 3 supplements, especially the mentally unstable and stress prone individuals. I recommend taking high quality omega 3 fatty acids – 3 or more grams daily with food. And remember they offer many other health benefits.

The B vitamins: Low levels of key B vitamins like B1, B3, B6, B9 and B12 may contribute to poor mood, anxiety and depression. A diet rich in these B-vitamins can directly influence important brain chemicals, such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.

The B vitamins are necessary for a health nervous system and play a crucial role in how well you respond to stressful situations. They play a critical role in cellular energy production and your body demand for energy increases during times of stress. The B vitamins are important in neutralising toxic chemicals that are linked to anxiety and depression.

Most B vitamins are not stored in the body, and need to be replenished every day. I suggest taking a high quality multivitamin containing the full spectrum of B vitamins with meals three times daily. For those with mental, emotional and stress disorders higher dosages of specific B vitamins like B3 and B12 is useful. Good foods sources of B vitamins include: whole grains, green vegetables, lean organic meat, eggs, nuts, seeds, yeast extract, lentils and other pulses.

Vitamin C: Many experts believe that people under chronic stress require this nutrient in much greater quantities than the Recommended Daily Allowance suggests. One US study revealed that high doses of vitamin C reduce the levels of stress hormones in the blood.

Vitamin C also helps to maintain a strong immune system in times of stress. Like the B-complex vitamins, vitamin C is not stored in the body. Foods rich in vitamin C include guava, cherries, citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit) and berry fruits such as, blueberries, strawberries and cranberries. Cantaloupe, melon and kiwi fruit as well as vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, peppers and tomatoes are also good sources of the vitamin. Additionally, supplementing with vitamin C at 3 or more grams per day in divides doses will improve your ability to deal with high stress.

Magnesium is an important anti stress mineral as it relaxes both nerves and muscles. Large amounts of magnesium are lost from the urine during stress. Normally our cells contain 10,000 times more magnesium than calcium. A shortage of this mineral activates the stress response and drastically changes the magnesium-to-calcium ratio in the cells. This mineral is critical to stress relief: the body needs magnesium to relax.

Magnesium is found in wholegrain cereals, nuts, pulses, sesame seeds, dried figs and green vegetables and green juices. Taking magnesium supplements, drinking spring water and soaking in Epsom salts baths will improve your magnesium status.


Calciumlike magnesium is also needed in greater amounts during times of stress. Choose low-fat sources of calcium such as soymilk, low-fat yoghurt and cheese, pulses, leafy green vegetables and fish. Zinc deficiency is common among those suffering from stress. It is found in oysters, red meat, nuts, sunflower seeds, egg yolks, dairy produce and wheat germ 

Molasses: Molasses contains a health enhancing substance called uridine. In the nervous system it acts as a nerve growth factor and improves the energy levels in the brain. Research has also shown its usefulness in treating degenerative disorders of the nervous system.

Interestingly molasses is treated as an unimportant byproduct of the sugar industry.  When sugar cane juice is refined to make white sugar 98 per cent of the nutrients are left behind as molasses. Molasses contains vitamins, minerals and special compounds like uridine.  Research shows that this molasses can help depression and treat ‘bad nerves’.

Yes getting good cellular nutrition, eating fish, nuts and molasses, and taking supplements can greatly benefit your mental health.

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