Apple Tree is an unprecedented collaboration between Keneish Dance and The Glee Club, Birmingham. The partnership has come together to present a distinctive live art night featuring a mix of music, acrobatics, dance, spoken word and comedy. Apple Tree is unique in its ambition of bringing together an impressive roster of local and national artists to create a dynamic cabaret night with a difference.   It’s a space where artists and audiences come together to create a synergistic entertainment experience.  Apple Tree curator and Artistic Director of Keneish Dance, Keisha Grant says, “with Apple Tree we aim to open up new possibilities for both the audience and artists by doing the unexpected. It’s the type of night some people might associate with London or Manchester, but with Apple Tree, we’re bringing a large slice of that edgy, urban and contemporary buzz to a cabaret night. It’s just brilliant to be able to invite artists that wouldn't normally have Birmingham on their tour schedule and it’s great to share work like this in my home town, I am really excited!”
Markus Sargeant, Music & Events Promoter at The Glee Club, Birmingham added, “we’re using the space in a completely different way to what it is normally used for.  The Glee Club is renowned for our comedy and live music, so adding a contemporary dance floor is something way out of our comfort zone.  We like to try new 'arty things' and really want to host this event because it is different to anything else we have ever done.”
Throughout the evening, audiences will have the opportunity to connect, participate and share real life and live experiences outside of their social media fuelled worlds.  There’s no need to swipe right, poke, lol or like. Just immerse yourself in the Apple Tree. Laugh, eat, drink, relax, reflect and enjoy!  Apple Tree is coming soon.  And remember…It’s got juice!