New research has revealed how millions of Brits are not taking their blood sugar levels seriously, despite the increasing and very real risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

A new consumer poll by preventative nutrition experts, Pharma Nord, reveals that just one in ten Brits is worried about developing diabetes, despite the fact that one in three is at risk of developing the disease.

Between 33 and 66 per cent of people with pre-diabetes – raised or impaired blood glucose levels – will go on to develop Type 2 diabetes over a period of 3 to 6 years.**

For most people, both pre-diabetes and Type 2 diabetes – which occurs when the body suffers from insulin resistance – can be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight, improving dietary intake and taking regular exercise.

However, the Pharma Nord consumer poll, which investigated health concerns and habits among 2,000 UK adults, shows a need for greater action to protect against the onset of the disease.

While the risk of contracting Type 2 diabetes increases with age, just one in three of those aged 45 and older say they eat healthily to decrease the risk of becoming ill. In addition, less than one in ten adults is aware that there are supplements to lower blood sugar.

There should also be greater awareness of the early warning signs.

  • One third of British adults have 'no idea' what their blood sugar level is; and

  • Less than one third visit their doctor for regular blood tests and check ups. The latter decreases to just one quarter of women.

3.2 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes in the UK and by 2025, it is estimated that this will increase to five million. Ninety per cent of people with diabetes have Type 2 of the condition.***

Obesity is the most potent risk factor for Type 2 diabetes, accounting for 80–85 per cent of the overall risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.**** Despite this, 70 per cent of those surveyed don't eat healthily to decrease the risk of becoming ill, increasing to three quarters of men.

Bent Henriksen OBE (Hon.), managing director at Pharma Nord (UK) said: “Modern, western diets are high in sugary food and carbohydrates and so it is not surprising that Type 2 diabetes is increasingly prevalent in the UK. In fact, one in three adults in the UK has high blood sugar, which can contribute to the cravings often experienced by those who struggle to lose weight or resist sugary snacks and junk food.

“At Pharma Nord, we launched a 'Kick your sugar habit' campaign to highlight the risk of developing high blood sugar and the benefits of chromium in your diet to control blood sugar levels. Modern convenience foods contain very little chromium and UK dietary intake is well below recommended levels. Processing and cooking methods also deplete chromium from food, creating a need for supplements. We firmly believe Bio-Chromium can help to control the nation's addiction to sugar and improve people's general wellbeing.”

Chromium is a trace mineral that works together with insulin to regulate blood sugar levels and carbohydrate metabolism.

Bio-Chromium contains ChromoPrecise organic chromium yeast, which is approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for maintaining normal blood sugar levels.

EFSA also confirmed that ChromoPrecise is up to ten times better absorbed by the body than any other source of chromium, including the kind found in food.