Game of Thrones is one of the most groundbreaking, breathtaking and popular TV series ever broadcast. Always brutal and controversial, it gained millions of fans around the world.

For eight seasons the show was filmed at the Linen Mills Studio near Belfast, Northern Ireland. Now that production has ceased, the studio has been turned into a permanent attraction called The Game of Thrones Studio Tour.


Steve Collins, the Executive Producer of Podcasts and Videos forTellMeWhere2Go, chatted with Brad Kelly, General Manager of The Game of Thrones Studio Tour about the impact the show had on Belfast, and the exciting exhibits on display.

They include everything from design drawings to displays of the intricate costumes, whole sets, including Winterfell Great Hall, the armoury containing thousands of unique weapons, examples of the special effects makeup, and interactive displays of how many of the special effects were created.

It is a most enlightening interview and a "must listen" for those who are fans of the show.