Harborne Art Gallery, located within Frametec in Harborne, Birmingham, is currently displaying ‘Etchings by David Harban’ until mid-June 2016. The exhibition celebrates and is inspired by many of Birmingham’s landscapes and historical buildings. David Harban RBSA is a local Artist and Printmaker who specialises in printmaking and aquatint. David’s work is heavily inspired by local landscapes and many of Birmingham’s historical buildings. In the early years he was inspired by gothic stone carvings and in 2009 had a solo show at Lichfield Cathedral.  In 2013 he completed a series of 24 etchings on the heritage buildings of Birmingham which were first shown at the Industrial Muse Exhibition, RBSA Gallery.

‘Many of Birmingham's historical buildings stand neglected and victim to poor or non-existent planning control. Thanks to the efforts of The Victorian Society many buildings have been saved from the wreckers ball.  The Victorian Society works tirelessly to highlight threatened buildings and has been a great source of information and has helped artists like myself to preserve and celebrate the history of these buildings through art’, says David.

David’s etchings are created on copper plate using traditional and contemporary processes and individually hand printed on a traditional etching press.  He has been a printmaker since 1999 and is constantly learning and experimenting with each image he creates.

He says ‘I have found no other medium as creatively challenging or rewarding, few mediums have held my attention for as long as etching has’.

Peter Frith, Director at Frametec and Harborne Art Gallery said: ‘This exhibition is a great chance for people to explore a bit of Birmingham’s architectural history, as well as other pieces, through the traditional and very skilled art form of etching.’