With the region basking in the hottest June for 40 years Severn Trent has released new figures showing that demand for water is significantly up.

Severn Trent’s eight million or so customers used almost 800 million litres on Sunday alone which is the equivalent of 320 Olympic sized swimming pools of wonderful water as they basked in the sun and high temperatures.

And, as demand is so high, the company is offering customers some simple tips to help save water.

Doug Clarke, water efficiency manager at Severn Trent, said: “The hot weather’s due to carry on through the week and water usage is at its peak so it is the perfect time to swat up on some simple water saving tips.

“So, when watering plants, use a watering can rather than a hose, and don’t worry about your lawn because it’ll bounce back once it starts raining again so you can put the sprinkler away.

“To put things into perspective, a sprinkler can use as much as 1,000 litres of drinking water in just one hour – which is more water than a family of four would normally use in a whole day!

It’s been more than 20 years since Severn Trent last had a hosepipe ban in place, and while the company is confident it has enough supply to meet demand, it's still encouraging customers to save what they can.

Doug continues: “Our reservoirs and other water sources are in a healthy position and looking good at the moment but we’re asking our customers to think about being ‘water wise’ in whatever they do as the hot temperatures continue.  If there’s even a chance that it’s going to be a long dry summer, then we need to get into good habits now.”