Florence Thompson, an 18 year old student at Halesowen College was announced as the winner of a challenge put to second year students by West Midlands based A Perry and Co (Hinges) Ltd.

They were tasked with designing a representative sculpture which will take pride of place at A Perry’s new base.  The 93 year old company which is independent and family-owned offered the opportunity to support the students in their final diploma assignment for the B.Tech Extended Diploma in Art & Design.

Florence‘s design captures A Perry’s heritage and expertise, as it represents vividly the strong link between the history and future of the brand through two linked hands.

Guy Perry, Managing Director of A Perry was on hand to congratulate Florence who will be awarded with a tablet for her achievement The design will be brought to life over the next few months using A Perry’s products by local artist Phil Bayliss.

Check out the full article in the June edition of The Phoenix Newspaper!