The RT Hon Patrick Mcloughlin had a much more relaxed meeting on Friday at Laird Experts in Heswall than the grief that Jeremy Clarkson gave him recently.  Mr Mcloughlin visited the Expert Witness firm on Friday to talk to MD, Nik Ellis, about their automotive arm of the business. 

Laird Experts inspect approximately 3500 damaged vehicles across the UK every month – so they have a pretty heavy investment in all things 'Transport'.  Mr Mcloughlin arrived in the afternoon with his advisors including Mr John Bell, Parliamentary Candidate for Wirral South, to have an informal chat with Mr Ellis. 

Mr Ellis said “As a small business in Heswall, it was a major privilege to have someone like Mr Mcloughlin visit us.  He was extremely down to earth and seemed genuinely interested in our business, how we have grown to our current state of 70 employees and how we have diversified into Legal translation & interpretation as well as vehicle inspections.” 

Mr Mcloughlin was interested in understanding the problems Mr Ellis faces on a daily basis with inspecting so many vehicles a month via their employed engineers out on the road.  He sympathised with the problems Laird face – the introduction of AEB systems in cars (Autonomous Emergency Braking Systems) & the increasing crowded roads.  He was certainly impressed with the company's diversification into offering further services to the legal sector such as interpretation, translation and locus report services.

It's not every day that a little village like Heswall gets a visit form a Secretary of State – let's just hope his Jaguar didn't hit a pothole on his way home.