Leadership today is evolving from control to empowerment, competition to collaboration. In this fast changing world, there’s a need a new brand of leadership - leaders with vision and crucial skills of leading people in a globalised environment. This 2-day experiential course, held in the Zain Innovation Campus ZINC, Amman, Jordan on February 17 and 18 is about ‘Aspiring Women Leaders Maximising their Potential,’ on behalf of The Middle East Association, and raising the game for themselves and for others. The core theme running through the entire programme is resilience and empowerment.

Led by Kathie Knell MBE, a leadership and management expert from the United Kingdom, HRH Noor Asem (above) and Jimmy Gordon, the workshop will be a game changer for Aspiring Executive Women Leaders in business and public service. Kathie is a consultant experienced in delivering leadership and management skills development and emotional intelligence to a range of blue chip organisations across the globe. She was HM Sultan of Brunei’s Training Design Advisor for 2 years, delivering and designing his No 1 Defence Priority, the Defence Academy.

HRH Noor Asem joined IDG (Inspirational Development Group) a global leadership and management performance consultancy - in 2015 as a consultant for the Middle East with responsibilities to help build a world-class regional brand synonymous with leadership development programmess that achieve sustainable behavioural change.

For further information, you can log on to; http://www.inspirationaldevelopment.com/aspiring-women-leaders/