In these days of being constantly available thanks to modern technology, many people long for a place to take refuge from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and turn inward. And now Frankfurt Airport has added a Quiet Room where travelers can do exactly that.
Harry Gatterer, a trend researcher and futurologist who leads the Zukunftsinstitut (“Future Institute”) in Frankfurt and Vienna, explains why havens like this are so important in today’s fast-paced world: “In the 21st century, we are constantly bombarded by masses of information and bathed in the glow of screens with hardly a break. The so-called information society is now reacting to this overkill with a countertrend: mindfulness. It’s therefore safe to say that in the future, people will actively seek moments in which to reflect and reconnect with themselves. This type of everyday spirituality is poised to become an essential survival technique. The principle of ‘strength in serenity’ has never before been so relevant.”
Frankfurt Airport has responded to this widespread wish for a place of silence by creating the “Quiet Room”, which all passengers may use for free regardless of their worldview, culture and religious affiliation. The highlight of the white room is an undulating golden ceiling illuminated by lamps that reflect the light onto the floor and walls. An oak bench occupies the middle of the room, inviting travelers to sit down and enjoy moments of rest and contemplation.
The Quiee Room is located in the postsecurity part of Terminal 1 on Level 3 of Pier Z and is open daily until 10 p.m. The airport’s operator, Fraport, has coined the motto “Gute Reise! We make it happen” to communicate its commitment to serving passengers and meeting their individual needs and wishes. It constantly strives to upgrade the customer experience at Germany’s most important transportation hub by launching new services and facilities.