The world's biggest Primark opened its doors to shoppers in Birmingham with an estimated 5,000 people who flew through the store on its first day of business.

Thought to have cost about £70m and four times the size of its old home round the corner, the former Pavilions Shopping Centre on High Street covers some161,000 sq ft over five floors and comes complete with a Disney-themed cafe, a barber's shop and beauty studio, as well as Primark's standard fare - affordable fashion.

The new discount fashion chain which offers clothes and accessories for all ages, plus home ware, flies in the face of what’s making the news – more regularly – that is the likes of High Street big names such as Debenhams and House of Fraser in decline, this brand new development means double the previous work force; which adds to tich adds to the ghe grander redevelopment of Birmingham city.

Despite a lack of any online presence, last year Primark reported higher UK sales and plans for more stores.