The True Blue Bay Boutique resort in Grenada has launched the True Sleep Wellness Retreat to help people to wind down from their busy lives and the demands of a hyper connected world to achieve deep, restful sleep. The retreat, running from 10 to 17 October, encompasses exercise, diet and healing delivered through yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, Feng Shui and healthy eating.

The retreats will be led by yoga therapist, Malaika Brooks- Smith-Lowe; yoga teacher, May Fakhre; and Master Level Feng Shui Consultant, Wendy Yawching.

Morning yoga and meditation sessions at the resort's Sankalpa yoga studio provide a gentle start to the day. No previous experience of yoga or meditation is required.

Breakfast is followed by a series of informative workshops. The Ayurveda workshop explores the ancient Indian healing system and how herbal treatments, diet, and yogic breathing can help people to unwind, quiet the mind and fall into a deep rejuvenating night's sleep.

Wendy Yawching will advise on how to create the ideal environment to encourage a good night's sleep using the ancient Chinese principles of Feng Shui.

The retreat also includes a look at how food and drink can improve the quality of sleep. The herbal tea workshop taps into Grenada's traditional practice of using 'bush' teas made using indigenous herbs to promote good health and cure ailments. And bush teas will be served as bedtime drinks.

A rituals workshop will help participants create a bedtime routine that can be followed once they get back home.

In the afternoons there is plenty of time for a well-earned siesta or relaxation at True Blue Bay. Away from the resort there is plenty to see and do in Grenada, including many cocoa plantations and chocolate factories, the spice market or the House of Chocolate in the capital St George's or lush, unspoilt nature.