If you've made it a New Year's resolution to quit smoking or lose weight, a new free healthy lifestyles service is here to help!
Live Well Wolverhampton offers people information, advice and guidance, self-help tools and lifestyle interventions over a period of 12 weeks to enable them to make and maintain positive lifestyle choices. Commissioned by the City of Wolverhampton Council and delivered by Central Health Solutions, it is open to adults who live or are registered with a GP in the city.
Councillor Jasbir Jaspal, Cabinet Member for Adults and Wellbeing, said: "We want to do everything we can to help our residents to lead more healthy lifestyles and this new service is offering support in a simple, local and accessible way.
"If you've made it a New Year's resolution to quit smoking or lose weight – or, indeed, both – then please sign up for free help and guidance from Live Well Wolverhampton today." Obesity and smoking are both risk factors for a range of conditions including cardiovascular disease and cancer, the biggest causes of premature mortality in Wolverhampton.
Levels of obesity and smoking are higher in the city compared to the national and regional averages. To register for support, visit www.wolverhampton.gov.uk/livewellreferral.