Traveling is all about exploring new places, having a pleasurable stay and finding inspiration within new destinations. The way we travel today has changed. Mostly thanks to technology, but also because of changes in lifestyle. This year, millennials represent the fastest growing group of travelers, exploring the world with their smartphones and digitally connecting with new places. Needless to say, when Niantic Labs released the new app - Pokémon Go - it was pretty clear that the game would become a world´s phenomenon. The app didn´t just impact the gaming industry and its players but has started penetrating many other industries, including travel. A new survey by found out that almost half (48%) of American adults aged 18-30 are choosing their next vacation spot based on locating and catching as many Pokémon's as possible.
Nowadays, hunting a Pokémon or two in Central Park, among the Pyramids of Giza or by the London Eye matter the most and it´s becoming a new way to see the world. Pokémon Go is using real life attractions all over the globe as Pokestops, where each landmark offers a piece of historical and cultural education.
"People are visiting new destinations and exploring landmarks and places they never thought to see – whether it's in your city or across the globe. Our surveys have always shown us how spontaneous travelers can be and Pokémon Go is no exception”, said Taylor L. Cole, APR travel expert for
Could Pokémon Go be the next interactive exploration tool for travelers? Participants in the survey also agreed that they would rather walk for four hours per day, hunting down rare Pokémon's than spend the same amount of time lying on the beach.
35% of them also believe that playing a game could result in exploring and learning more about the destination.
Travel providers are already taking advantages of the game, offering Pokémon adventures around the world. One of the Pokémon expeditions leaves on the 28 August, starting in Lima and will end on the 10 of October in Bangkok.
“As you travel, you will check out some of the most amazing, eye-opening and mind-blowing sights along the way. Imagine the bragging rights you'll have if you catch Pikachu at Machu Picchu, battle Blastoise alongside a giant tortoise in the Galapagos and spot Pidgeot at Angkor Wat” as they said at Geckos Adventures.
Official tourist Boards are joining the excitement too. The city of Basel released an entertaining video of four adults dressed as Pikachus, targeting people on the phones and attacking them with big poke balls. The hunt is happening all around the beautiful and popular attractions to entice people to visit the city in Switzerland. The video was commissioned by the city of Basel to boost tourism, and in just two days, the video has reached over 60 million views.