Prejudice towards women playing football is a “continuous issue across many regions of the world” and too many face adverse labour conditions, say world players’ union Fifpro.
In a released report, Fifpro found that “discrimination, sexual harassment and abuse” are major issue.
The union also surveyed 186 players from the 2019 Women’s World Cup.
Of those, more than half said that they are not enough support staff at clubs.
The union called for the introduction of global standards for players as they say adverse labour conditions “still plagues the women’s game.
Of the 186 elite women players questioned in the survey, 51% said that there were not enough staff at their club to fulfil their playing needs. 41% said they do not receive health insurance from their club, while only 3% received help to relocate after a transfer and 17% said that they received no non-financial benefits from their clubs.
A spokesperson for Women in Football said: “We regularly support women who face discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace.
“The significant increase in the number of sexist reports received by us is of concern, but sadly not a great surprise.
“What is clear is that this is just the tip of the iceberg: for every offensive tweet or comment posted and reported to us, there are dozens that are not. And we know from our 2016 research, that women who experience sexism at work rarely report it – just 1 in 10 according to our landmark industry survey”.