On 29 November 2022 the Census Data for 2021 was published. The data collected indicated that the British population is the most diverse it has ever been since records began. 18.3% of the population are ethnically diverse, nearly one in five people.
Sporting Equals has been encouraging sports governing bodies and organisations to set a target of 20% representation for ethnically diverse people in positions of leadership such as the Board, senior management and coaches.
This will be representative of the population and empower ethnically diverse people to take part more.
So far, the 2022 iteration of the Race Representation Index has seen 90% of English National Governing Bodies submit their data or commit to doing so by 9 December. We are pleased to see this commitment from NGBs. Having this representation will ensure that pathways to participation are opened more widely, that clothing dress codes and equipment meets the needs of all, and that young people can see role models lay down a path for them to follow.
This all considered it is not enough to simply be in the room. The voices of ethnically diverse people must be heard so that Britain is reflected in the sport we play, watch and support.