Final year university students will soon start planning what to do after graduating. Many will be hoping to spend some time travelling, expanding their horizons and enjoying some care-free time before starting their careers. New this year, and created by popular demand, is an escorted tour of Japan for those on a shoe-string budget. The Dragon Trip's escorted tours to China have already proved popular with students due to their low cost and outstanding itineraries. Both tours are run by local adventure leaders who help with the language barrier, and give the group an insight into the local culture.
New Japan Tour
The tour explores the beautiful Japanese countryside, with its shrines, temples and hiking trails, as well as its urban life in Tokyo and Osaka with visits to karaoke bars, the sumo district and the Harajuku fashion district. Experiences such as visiting a Japanese bath house, meditation classes, learning karate and how to make sushi, set the trip apart from other tours.