In the UNESCO World Heritage City of Regensburg you can explore Germany's best preserved medieval town centre and at the same time almost trip over pubs and beer-gardens to experience Bavarian cosiness and hospitality. Did you know that 2016 marks the 500 year anniversary of the Bavarian beer purity law? This law states that beer only is allowed to consist of three ingrediences: hops, malt and water. Connected to this anniversary Regensburg offers a make your own beer seminar, beertastings of local craft beers, beer diplomas and menu programs with stories all around the beer. Do you for example know how someone found out about brewing beer? Just by accident is the answer since a housewife baked bread and the next days there was some tasty fluid in the pot which had not been cleaned yet. Or how it came to the beer-gardens? This was out of a right for brewers by king Maximilian I in 1812 to serve beer in the summer months directly at the cellars where it was stored.
Talking about beer-gardens if you sit in one of the many folksy beer-gardens along the Danube overlooking the unique silhouette of the town take the opportunity to enjoy a cool beer.
Drinking the local beers of the three major breweries has not to gnaw on your conscience because you are always helping a good cause, since one of these breweries is owned by the Church, another by a charitable foundation while the third finances an elderly people's home!
If you want to become acquainted with more culinary specialities don't miss a visit to the “Historische Wurstkuchl”, the Historic Sausage Kitchen, down by the Danube and order little Regensburg pork sausages served with sauerkraut, sweet mustard – all of them homemade - and a crispy bread roll with caraway seeds in it. This restaurant looks back on an 850-year-old sausage tradition and is said to be the oldest sausage kitchen of the world.
Want to make your own Weisswurst and/or bratwurst in the heart of Regensburg? No big deal of course that is possible, enjoy it afterwards with a “Brezn” (pretzel), Regensburg´s famous Händlmaier sweet mustard and yes a cold wheat beer.