After inviting President Muhammadu Buhari to this year’s COP26 climate change summit, Prime Minister Boris Johnson was said to be hugely disappointed after it had to be cancelled due to the worldwide coronavirus epidemic.


He (Johnson) was very interested in investing Nigeria’s clean energy sector after the UK won the bid to host COP26 (the 26th Conference of the Parties) having entered into a partnership with European counterparts Italy.


A United Nations environmental gathering, which was set to take place in Glasgow, in Scotland, later this year, it was designed to produce a worldwide response to the climate emergency


After winning the hosting bid, the UK was set to hold the main COP26 summit, with – as part of the agreement - Italy due to hold preparatory event; which includes a youth event.


Prime Minister Johnson’s invited President Buhari follows the recent UK-Africa Investment Summit, in London.


The UK’s nominated COP26 president, Claire Perry, said: “The world’s leaders were due to gather to discuss how we can tackle the climate change on a global scale.


“And, with it being one of the UK’s most sustainable cities, there was nowhere better than Glasgow – with its great track record for hosting highly successful, high-profile international events like this”.


Currently, Nigeria’s’ gross power supply is generating just over 7,000MW – way below the much-required 40,000MW required for the general, every day needs of the country.


The west-African country is, however, leading the way into movements to introduce cleaner energy, as they are encouraged to look into wind, solar and recycled waste although getting investment to pursuit those lines is said to be a big struggle.


With it being the largest in the world, the United Kingdom’s total off-shore wind power capacity stands at 8,183MW – a third of Europe’s total off-shore resource.


It equates to three-times the UK’s electricity needs.


On-shore, the UK’s total number for wind turbine power equals 13,532MW.


In excess of 30,000 delegates were expected at the Scottish Events Campus for the 26th Conference of the Parties.


With CO26 now postponed, revised plans will be set out to reschedule COP26.