Reports setting out progress made in children’s social care services and education are to go before the city council. Children’s social care is over a year into its three-year improvement plan and the report sets out progress so far and plans for the next two years. The next two years will focus on improving social work practice and delivering more effective interventions with children and families.
Councillor Brigid Jones, cabinet member for children’s services, said: “The work our staff and partners have put in to the first year of our improvement plan has been incredible.
“The multi-agency safeguarding hub, launched in 2014, has been praised by Ofsted and Lord Warner and is now our first port of call for concerns about a child to be triaged quickly and effectively.
“We’re now working to improve practice at the next stages in a child’s journey, and to find ways to stop children needing our help in the first place. We still have a long way to go, but we’ve got firm foundations in place and, with our partners, we will continue to build on them.
“We are also making steady progress in education. In December last year we pledged that we would work towards every child having a good, rounded, full education to help them fulfil their potential and their dreams. This means everyone working together to drive through innovation and improvement so every child can access the best teaching at a good or outstanding school.
“This report shows that really good progress has been made so far, and we are only part-way through our improvement journey. Birmingham Education Partnership is now working hard to deliver school improvement, harnessing the talents of a wide range of people so the fragmented education system has a strong collective voice here in Birmingham.”
The reports will go before full council on 1 December.