Over 10,000 people are missing after Storm Daniel tore through Libya on September 10th, triggering deadly flooding.

More than 11,000 people have been confirmed dead, with the number expected to rise.

International charity, Human Appeal, has launched emergency aid relief via its partner to support the Libyan population hardest hit with food, water, medical aid and basic essentials. The aid is needed to help avert hunger and disease after severe flooding destroyed local infrastructure bringing with it the risk of cholera spreading.

Many of Libya's eastern towns have been affected but in Bayda and Derna the devastation is cataclysmic. In the port city of Derna, home to 100,000 people, entire communities have been washed away after two dams collapsed.

The humanitarian situation on the ground is tragic with 25 percent of Derna has been destroyed, with buildings razed to the ground and entire neighbourhoods inaccessible. Survivors, desperate to hear news of their missing loved ones, are traumatised and in desperate need of relief aid.

Human Appeal via its partner is supporting aid relief efforts in the eastern cities of Derna and Bayda working tirelessly to deliver lifesaving emergency aid to shattered families. We are also supporting the provision of nutritious milk to thousands of children affected by the devastating floods.

Drawing on Human Appeal's 31 years of experience in delivering humanitarian relief globally to areas affected by climatic disaster, initial assessments indicate families with children are in vital need of emergency relief, including food, clean water and medical aid.