In just a few weeks’ time men up and down the country will be growing their beards to raise money for Bowel Cancer UK, and it’s not too late to sign up and show your support for the campaign too. Men growing beards in December for Decembeard will be in good company as former England cricketer Chris Read is supporting the campaign too. “My first cricket coach died from bowel cancer and as a consequence my awareness of this disease increased greatly. He was a wonderful man who, along with his family, became great friends and that’s why I became a patron of Bowel Cancer UK.  That’s also why I’m encouraging sons, dads, brothers, uncles, nephews and granddads to join together this Decembeard and show their support for the charity.”

The rules are simple, just clean shave on 30 November and let your facial hair flourish throughout the month of December in the run up to Christmas. Already bearded? No problem. Dye, ditch or decorate your beard and join the campaign.  

More than 44 people die from bowel cancer every day in the UK, it’s the nation’s second biggest cancer killer.  However it shouldn’t be. It’s treatable and curable, especially if diagnosed early.