Little Hearts Matter, the only charity in the UK and Ireland dedicated to supporting and empowering anyone affected by the diagnosis of a single ventricle heart condition (or "half a heart"), is proud to announce the launch of an animated film designed to raise awareness about this serious condition.

The compelling film was produced by award-winning Media Co-Op and is a collaboration between the charity, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, and parents of children living with this complex congenital heart defect. Narrated by the voices of these parents, the animation poignantly captures the daily challenges and triumphs of families affected by the condition.

The project highlights the personal journeys of these families, detailing the medical, emotional, and practical hurdles they face. From multiple surgeries to navigating everyday life, the animation sheds light on the resilience and strength of these children and their families.

Lisa Davies, CEO of Little Hearts Matter, expressed her enthusiasm about the project: "We are incredibly proud to share this animated film with the public.

“It’s a true testament to the bravery of our families and the collaborative spirit of our community. Our goal is to urgently raise awareness of the challenges of supporting a child with a life-limiting condition such as a single ventricle heart and inspire others to find out how they can make a difference themselves.”

The families involved in the project underwent a meticulous process to bring authenticity and depth to the film. They shared their personal stories, medical journeys, and the emotional impacts of living with the condition.

Their narratives offer a real-life perspective on the challenges of dealing with frequent hospital visits, surgical procedures, and the constant need for vigilant care and living with an uncertain future. Claire, one of the participating parents (from Hinckley, Leicestershire), shared her thoughts: "Being involved in the Little Hearts Matter film has really helped me process everything we have been through.

“It has validated that we are not alone, and that other parents feel the same struggles as us." Ben, another parent (from Nuneaton, Warwickshire), spoke about how important Little Hearts Matter has been on his family’s journey: “We have been so grateful for the support provided by Little Hearts Matter throughout our daughter’s life, but particularly in the way they’ve been able to give us the tools and information to help our two eldest daughters understand her condition.”

Marion, who was also involved in the film (from London), added: “It has been a privilege to work with other parents to help create this film. Sharing our joint experiences with the mutual goal of helping others to understand our journey, as well as to provide support for those coming behind us, has been a very cathartic experience.

“I hope everyone enjoys the final product as much as we enjoyed the process.” Little Hearts Matter continues to be a pivotal support system for families across the UK, offering resources, advocacy, and a compassionate community for those affected by single ventricle heart conditions.

This animated film is the latest initiative in their ongoing efforts to increase understanding and support for this unique and challenging medical condition. Based in the Midlands, but working across the UK, Little Hearts Matter’s support often starts at the point of diagnosis, where parents receive the devastating news that their unborn child has an incurable, life-limiting heart condition, and follows them through every step of their half a heart journey.

This includes their first heart operation at just a few days old, into life at home and beyond. Since its inception in 1994, Little Hearts Matter has played a crucial role in advocating for awareness, providing resources and offering a supportive community for individuals and families affected by this condition – and this is what they hope the film, and the charity’s 30th anniversary awareness campaign, will further promote.

Watch the full version of the film at: