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During this Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week, Public Health England (PHE) is advising people in the West Midlands to have their fossil fuel and wood burning appliances – such as boilers, heaters and cookers – checked by an appropriately registered engineer before winter sets in. There are about 30 accidental deaths a year from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in England and Wales.

Health visitors and children’s centres in Wolverhampton have been praised for their work to promote breastfeeding and improve care for new mums. They have been awarded the prestigious Baby Friendly Award from Unicef, the United Nations Children’s Fund, and in doing so have joined the maternity unit at New Cross Hospital in securing the accreditation.

A survey of opticians has revealed the most common complaint they hear from patients who drive is that they momentarily fall asleep at the wheel. A poll of members of Sight Care – a support network for independent opticians – found that 57 per cent rated losing concentration and briefly falling asleep as the complaint they heard the most from driving customers.

People who care for a friend or relative can find out about the support available to them during this year's Carers Rights Day on Friday 20 November, 2015. The charity Omega is holding a free outreach and information session at Beckminster Church, Birches Barn Road, from 10.30am-2pm, with a host of organisations on hand to highlight the help available to carers.

With colder weather approaching, people are being advised of the steps they should take if they are struck down by norovirus. Also called the winter vomiting bug, norovirus causes diarrhoea, vomiting and flu-like symptoms and is highly contagious – so infected individuals should minimise contact with other people to prevent its rapid spread.

A dog was given life-saving surgery by vet charity PDSA after a sausage binge caused a potentially fatal stomach condition. Seven-year-old Weimaraner Jake wolfed down the tasty treats whole (perhaps he’d heard it's British Sausage Week!) but began feeling ‘offal’ soon after.

There are now 1,806,500 people living with hearing loss in the Midlands. They are part of 11 million people (one in six) in the UK living with hearing loss according to a new report from the national charity Action on Hearing Loss (formerly RNID), with the number increasing to one in five people (15.6 million) by 2035, due to an ageing population.

People in Wolverhampton are being urged to check how much sugar they are consuming. With the city fighting a war on obesity, public health chiefs say families have a role to play in ensuring they are not putting their health at risk by eating or drinking too many sugary products.

We all overindulge from time to time, but we don’t always consider that what we do to our bodies on the outside can affect us on the inside. Fizzy drinks, chewing gum and eating certain types of food can contribute to bloating, stretching the stomach and causing it to swell. For most sufferers, the unpleasant sensation of trapped wind and bloating are more than an occasional inconvenience.

People living with ADPKD in England and Wales will now have access to JINARC® (tolvaptan),  the first-ever treatment shown to slow progression of the life-threatening condition. NICE today released final guidance recommending tolvaptan in ADPKD for adults with chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages 2 or 3 at the start of treatment with evidence of rapidly progressing disease.