There is still time for people to have their say on a proposed minor change to the admissions criteria for Wolverhampton Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools.
All schools must have admission arrangements that clearly set out how children will be admitted, including the criteria that will be applied if there are more applications than places at the school.
The City of Wolverhampton Council is consulting on a proposed change to its admission criteria for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, which would include children of staff in the arrangements, something that has already been adopted by other schools in the city.
Councillor Chris Burden, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, said: "As the Admission Authority for Wolverhampton Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools we are required to consult on our admission arrangements at least once every seven years.
"The arrangements that are subject to this consultation adhere to The School Admissions Code 2021 and the criteria is simple, transparent and objective. I would encourage all stakeholders, including parents and carers, to take the time to give us their thoughts on our proposed admission arrangements.
“We would welcome your views.” For more details about the consultation and the schools it relates to, and complete the survey, please visit
The deadline for comments is Friday 16 December.