A scheme which aims to help people understand and manage their mental health and wellbeing through reading has been launched at Oldbury Library.

The Reading Well initiative encourages libraries to offer a range of books which provide helpful information and support for managing common mental health conditions or dealing with difficult feelings and experiences.

Subjects include mindfulness, coping with depression and anxiety, and grief as well as body image and body dysmorphic disorder, binge eating and obsessive compulsive disorder.

Some books also include personal stories from people who are living with or caring for someone with mental health needs.

The books have been recommended by mental health professionals and people with experience of the conditions covered. They have been tried and tested and found helpful.

Councillor Syeda Khatun, Sandwell’s deputy leader launched the scheme with Sandwell Mayor, Councillor Joy Edis.

She said: “I’m delighted to be launching this important scheme.

"The books are all endorsed by health experts as well as people living with the conditions covered, and their relatives or carers.

“You can be recommended a title by a health professional, or you can visit your local library and take a book out yourself.

“This is another example of how our libraries are reaching out to provide services to our communities."

Reading Well has been developed by the Reading Agency in partnership with the Society of Chief Librarians and the programme is funded by Arts Council England, Wellcome and the Welsh Government.

Reading Well collections are available in all of Sandwell’s 19 libraries and its mobile library service.