Colors: Green Color

Walsall College higher education students paraded to Walsall Town Hall in their caps and gowns on Friday 27th November, to officially open their formal Graduation Ceremony. The college started offering full degree level courses for the first time in its history last year after forming a partnership with Birmingham City University (BCU), and this year’s ceremony included students receiving their Level 6 qualifications, along with students collecting their Higher National Certificates (HNCs) and Higher National Diplomas (HNDs).

A unique scheme through which law students help vulnerable people in Wolverhampton challenge decisions over their benefits has received an award from the city's Law Society. For the last year, students from the University of Wolverhampton’s Law School have provided representation to scores of disabled and vulnerable people when they are challenging the Department of Work and Pensions over the payment of Employment and Support Allowance.

British inventor Colin Furze has revealed a new video via his YouTube channel, that gives viewers the chance to 360 degree virtual reality tour of the incredible bunker. Teaming up with Sky 1 alongside their new series You, Me & The Apocalypse, Colin has turned his back garden into a massive underground bunker. On November 17th, the video revealing the finished bunker went live on Colin’s YouTube page (14dd5266c70789bdc806364df4586335-gdprlock/ColinFurze) and to date has amassed over 6.75million views.