Colors: Blue Color

People in Wolverhampton can have their say in framing a new five-year strategy to combat homelessness. Key services in this area will be displaying information to the public on the ground floor of the Civic Centre, St Peter’s Square, between Monday 4 January and Friday 15 January, 2016, helping people understand more about homelessness and ways they can help develop Wolverhampton’s new strategy to tackle the issue.

With 2016 now upon us, national charity Suzy Lamplugh Trust is urging all West Midlands residents to keep personal safety in mind when making New Year’s resolutions. Common resolutions, often based around lifestyle changes, may inadvertently place individuals at risk, so the charity is encouraging people to factor in their own safety when making pledges for the New Year.

The funeral service of radio presenter and former “boy band” member Saminder Sagoo was attended by hundreds of people. Saminder, 76, who helped found one of the first Sikh temples in Birmingham, died on 5 December, having suffered from stomach cancer. Renowned for his work as one of the first presenters on commercial Asian station Radio XL, the temple where Saminder’s funeral was held was packed with mourners, who gathered in front of an open coffin.

Former refugee and The Apprentice star, Mergim Butaja, is taking on a charity challenge to support families fleeing ongoing conflict. The 23-year-old whose emotional farewell speech highlighted the importance of remaining strong and determined in the face of adversity has joined with 50 other volunteer fundraisers from international humanitarian charity Penny Appeal to run Coventry’s Half Marathon at the end of February.

City of Wolverhampton Council will once again be collecting people’s real Christmas trees for recycling once the festive season is over. The council, through its waste and recycling partner Amey Plc, will take real trees only – not fake ones – during January. The service will be free and all people need to do is put their tree out on their normal recycling day next to their bin on the kerbside. Real tree collections will take place from Monday January 11 to Friday January 22.

The spirit of Christmas was in plentiful supply when staff and customers at building society the West Brom staged festive cake and coffee days in aid of charity. The Society’s 37 branches across Birmingham and the Black Country collectively raised nearly £4,000 from the Care for a Cake events, with all proceeds going to the Edgbaston charity Edward’s Trust, which provides bereavement support for parents, children and carers from across the West Midlands.

Young people across a number of schools from Sandwell took part in the council's child’s voice conference held at the Bethel Convention Centre in West Bromwich on 30 November. They were there to shape the services they want to get from the council over the next year. The conference formed part of a series of events that have taken place over the past year as part of the council's SHAPE programme.

The arbiters of social etiquette from Debretts may choke on their turkey with the news that millions of Brits planned to use their mobiles at the Christmas dinner table.  New research from Direct Line Home Insurance reveals 9.9 million people planned to use their mobile at the Christmas dinner table, swapping face time with family for games and screen time with faraway friends.

Christmas has come early for children in Sandwell thanks to a new £100,000 play area with lots of new equipment in historic Lightwoods Park. The play area features a giant two-tower climbing wall guaranteed to give youngsters fun during the school holidays. Schoolchildren from Abbey Junior School, local councillors, council parks officers and representatives from Heritage Building and Conservation Ltd attended the launch.

As New Year resolutions go, losing weight is a fairly ordinary one. But add to that skydiving and raising funds to support one day of end of life care and something quite extraordinary happens.  In January 2015, John Taylor Hospice CEO Kate Phipps set a sky-scraping personal fundraising target of £14,000 – enough to fund the hospice and all its services for 24 hours.

Record numbers of older people worried about being alone over Christmas have already contacted older people’s housing and care charity The Abbeyfield Society as its Coping at Christmas campaign gets into full swing. Since the campaign launch in November, Abbeyfield has handled hundreds of calls from isolated older people who face being alone over the extended Christmas period.

Sandwell Council’s foster carers have received a boost with a donations of toys for all ages from the congregation at Great Barr Methodist Church. Councillor Simon Hackett, Cabinet Member for Childrens Services, received the donations on behalf of Sandwell’s Looked After Children & Young People from Reverend Rachel Frank and members of the church congregation including Dorothy Clive and Hazel Powell.

A cheque for almost £30,000 has been presented to Birmingham Children’s Hospital following a successful year of fundraising by the NEC Group. NEC Group Chief Executive Paul Thandi presented the cheque for £29,260.66 at the Group’s annual Awards ceremony. “Birmingham Children’s Hospital does incredible work helping thousands of children and their families from across the West Midlands and beyond every year, and the NEC Group staff really got behind it as their chosen charity of the year.