Colors: Blue Color

A new hit squad of enforcers have taken to the streets of Wolverhampton to issue on the spot fines to people caught dropping litter in the city. City of Wolverhampton Council has appointed Kingdom Security Ltd to hand out £75 fines to litter critters. The team of uniformed enforcers spent last week training on their new patch and have now commenced working full time out and about in the city.

Her Majesty the Queen will become the longest-reigning British monarch in history next month and 50 lucky Wolverhampton children have the chance to attend a special party to mark the momentous occasion. The Queen will reach the milestone on September 9 and the Mayor of Wolverhampton, Councillor Ian Brookfield, is to host a party for city youngsters aged 11 and under who share their birthday with the milestone date.

With Mayoral and London elections – and even a possible European Union in/out referendum – set for next year, would-be voters in Haringey are being urged to make sure they’re registered to vote or risk missing out. As changes to the voter registration system enter their second phase, Haringey Council is leading a drive to get as many people as possible signed up to the electoral roll. Official household enquiry forms will be landing on doormats across the borough from this week.

Former Mayor of Wolverhampton Mike Heap has handed over £15,000 to local charities – the proceeds of fundraising events held during his time in office. Mike, who was Mayor in 2014-15, organised a series of events in aid of good causes, from coffee mornings and auctions to charity dinners and quiz nights. And the £15,000 they raised has been split equally between his chosen charities, Breast Care Nurses Trust Fund, Interfaith Wolverhampton and Mencap’s Wolverhampton Branch.

National Allotments Week highlighted the benefits of growing your own produce regardless of gender and age – but it’s not just people who benefit.  At Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park on Pershore Road, the animals tuck into home-grown fruit, veg and herbs all year round. From lemon balm, lovage and lettuce to blackberries and bamboo, the meerkats, monkeys, lemurs and lynx all enjoy a healthy diet with food grown just whiskers away in the park’s Eco-Garden!

Hornsey Town Hall and Square has been designated an asset of community value (ACV) in recognition of its cultural significance to Crouch End and Haringey. Haringey Council confirmed the ACV designation following a community nomination from members of the Crouch End Community Arts Festival.

Dedicated services designed to eradicate homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying from the classroom to the playground are up and running in Midlands. Three schemes will be run by Educate and Celebrate, the Anne Frank Trust and The National Children’s Bureau after being awarded money from a £2 million government fund specifically aimed at finding innovative ways to help prevent and eradicate the problem in schools across the country.

How do you get a tech loving child to step away from the game consoles and tablets and start making memories this summer? Get a dog! A survey by Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, found that parents cite** the family dog as a distraction for kids that are ordinarily glued to tech, 42% say the family take more exercise thanks to the pet dog and (44%) think their dog is their child’s best friend.

John Smith's is launching a campaign that is truly out of this world. The best selling ale brand has acquired the first ever pint shaped constellation, made up from 100 stars in the night sky, and is giving ordinary British blokes with extraordinary talents the chance to own one of them.

Parachuting teddies, a Poldark evening and sheep racing are just a few of the entries highlighting the creativity and broad-appeal in church insurer Ecclesiastical and Church Times’ Church Fundraising Idea of the Year Competition 2015. The nation-wide competition sets out to reward the best initiatives that have helped churches and other places of worship to raise much needed money to support their activities, building works, maintenance, etc. The top prize is £10,000, with five runner-up prizes of £2,000.

A study has revealed that British men have square eyes as they consider their television (40 percent) to be something they couldn’t live without – but women are more practical and said they’d be lost if they didn’t have their toothbrush (49 percent). Researchers surveyed almost 2,000 mixed gender respondents who were asked to vote for the things they “couldn’t live without” and would always find the funds for.

Members of the UK Youth Parliament in Wolverhampton are calling on the city’s young people to make their mark. The annual Make Your Mark ballot gives young people the chance to decide what issues their Youth MPs should campaign on and debate in the House of Commons in the year ahead. Last year, more than 5,000 young people cast their vote in the ballot in Wolverhampton, joining around 875,000 nationally – making it the biggest youth consultation in the country.

With eight million British holidaymakers heading overseas for a holiday in August and millions making the most of summer on the UK coastline, ABTA and the Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS UK), the drowning prevention charity, are again reminding holidaymakers to follow safety tips and swim safely. In Europe, authorities are warning families and holidaymakers to be especially careful this summer as record temperatures have encouraged people unaccustomed to the water to go swimming.