The Unknown Soldier was created by Alison Ray MA, Artistic Director of Alison Ray Dance Company and was performed at  Tacchi Morris Arts  and the Bernie Grant Center in April this year to audiences who were captivated and interested by these stories servicemen and women from the UK, Caribbean and Africa.  

The Unknown Soldier is a compellingly captivating ode to the Black British War Veterans. Telling various stories of men and women of Black British Heritage who fought in WWI and WWII. The Unknown Soldier is an interdisciplinary performance that weaves the mediums of Dance, Text, live music, and Visuals to capture the participation of these brave men and women who were often hidden from the British War Effort. As these soldiers embark on their quest to fight in the War, the choreography uses various styles:  African, Caribbean, Contemporary Dance, and the Lindy Hop and to foster a  narrative of untold stories of these war veterans. The Live Music of the Berimbau and the Violin creates an atmosphere of uncertainty and ambiguity, of embarking on this journey to the unknown!  

Alison Ray, MA, said, "The Unknown Soldier has been a work I have been interested in creating for decades since I was a child. Following the experience of going to Barbados and hearing the stories of Prime Minster Errol Barrow, who served in the RAF.

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