A Weight Watchers Diamond Leader is celebrating 20 years of sIimming service in Stoke.

Liz Archibald, who lives in Mere Park, near Stoke on Trent, was presented with the award by Sheila Bradshaw, area service manager for Weight Watchers in front of colleagues on Saturday 10th February.

She received a gift voucher for £300 and has treated herself to a new Vivian Westwood Watch and matching earrings.

Liz joined weight Watchers as a member at the age of 37 after having her second child as she didn't want to be the old, fat mum in the playground.

Liz said ‘At Weight Watchers I learned for the first time how to lose weight without feeling hungry & deprived, I discovered how to cook & enjoy foods that I'd never previously heard of! I lost about 1.5lbs every week while still having a takeaway at the weekend with a couple of glasses of wine & the WW chocolate bars meant that I could still have a chocolate fix without gaining weight.’

Liz reached my goal within 5 months having lost 2 stone on the points plan & was inspired by Weight Watchers so decided to apply to become a Coach as she wanted to share her knowledge & help others achieve their own goals.

Liz added ‘Weight loss is a journey but I believe it should be fun too. At the meetings we share what works, what doesn’t, how to create amazing plates of food & how to laugh about the silly stuff!’

Our new plan "Flex" has changed the way many of us think about food, I have never eaten so well & our members feel the same. Healthy is the new skinny.

Liz is now 4 stone lighter than she was in my 20's and coaches 6 meetings a week.

She’s a triple diamond Coach & for the last 20 years she has never gone over her goal weight. The ripple effect has also ensured her family have grown up with a good knowledge of how to lead a healthy life.

‘I am now older (that's ok I can dye my hair) but I never was the fat mum in the playground.’ Explained Liz.