Children and families are to work to clear up litter on their West Bromwich estate – after being inspired by discussions about the effects of plastics on wildlife on a trip to Sky News Studios.

The young people from the Essex Avenue area went on an educational cohesion trip to London and made a video on the dangers of plastics.

They worked on the video at the Sky News headquarters. Councillors have given a grant towards the setting-up of a special project to educate the public on a West Bromwich estate on the detrimental effects of plastics to the environment.

Local activist Edna Dunn secretary and treasurer of the Essex Avenue CommunityTenants and Residents Association said local families went on an educational cohesion visit to London.

She said:  “We went along to the Sky News centre and when we were there I was very proud of the response of the local young people who were concerned about the plastic waste in the oceans.

“We made videos about what could be done to reduce plastic waste and the young people decided that they would never throw away a plastic bottle again and would help to collect them up in our area.

“We decided we would do what we can in our area to deal with the litter and to discuss the importance of being responsible with the use and the recycling of plastics.

“We were very grateful to the council for giving us a grant to provide the materials to help us to litter pick our area and we are looking forward to the children and their families working together to pick up the litter.

The £650 small town grant from Sandwell Council is to be used on  special project to educate the public on a West Bromwich estate on the detrimental effects of plastics to the environment.

Members of the public will be urged to take a more responsible view of the use of plastics, by using less of them and by recycling them responsibly.

Council officers will work with the community on a clean-up campaign on the estate.

Councillor Shirley Hosell, deputy town lead for West Bromwich, said: “It has become clear that plastics can create a lot of problems for the environment and under this proposal we hope to reduce its use and encourage recycling.

“We will be working to support tenants and residents in their wishes to have a cleaner and green environment on their estate.”