In the face of what is a global pandemic – the likes of which has never happened before in a peace-time UK – concerns are being shown for nor only the physical well-being of the nation’s National Health Service (NHS) staff, as with that of other key workers, who are working on the frontline during these trying times.

There are fears that they (NHS and key workers) are thought to be more susceptible than ever to develop anything from deep anxieties, extreme burnout and/or PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

The British Psychological Society have said that psychological first aid should be provided to these essential frontline workers, as, they say; “the UK runs the risk of undergoing a further mental health crisis”.

Government ministers have said that in the face of any one of them feeling at-all stressed, any of the NHS staff, especially those in the face of this coronavirus crisis, can call a helpline to air their concerns.

However, MPs have said that it is not enough and the government should provide the staff with extra support for those who are feeling overwhelmed.