Taxi Strike Threat Averted
The threat of industrial action by black cab drivers in Wolverhampton has been lifted after taxi trade representatives held talks with the city council.
The threat of industrial action by black cab drivers in Wolverhampton has been lifted after taxi trade representatives held talks with the city council.
Birmingham’s growing popularity as a top place to live and work in the UK has led to substantial sales success at Park Central, resulting in the near sell-out of the popular city centre development.
From March 4 – 9, 2015, the Messe Berlin has become a melting pot of global tourism excellence as key decision-makers negotiate important travel partnerships and unveil innovative holiday products.
Azimo, the online money transfer service, announced zero transfer fees and zero commission on exchange rates – a first in its industry – in support of the first ever World Money Transfer Day on Sunday 15 March 2015.
After 26 years in Chicago, Harpo Studios will be closing its doors for the final time as Media queen, Oprah Winfrey, opens her new OWN's new headquarters in West Hollywood.
A bolder approach and more collaborative working is needed by the Government, councils, social landlords and developers, delegates at a regional housing event heard.
More than half of food businesses in Wales have been awarded the highest ratings for their food hygiene standards, a year after the UK's first statutory scheme came into force in Wales, Deputy Health Minister Vaughan Gething has announced.
Jessops has been awarded 'Best Retailer: High Street' and Jessops Academy has won 'Best Training Provider' in the Advanced Photographer Awards as voted for by Advanced Photographer.
Marks & Spencer has completed the installation of the UK's largest single roof mounted solar panel array on its East Midlands distribution centre in Castle Donington.
Balfour Beatty, the international infrastructure group, has announced it has signed a development agreement with the London Legacy Development Corporation to invest and construct the new East Wick and Sweetwater housing development project.
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has welcomed the NICE publication Safe Midwifery Staffing for Maternity Settings and is pleased that many of the recommendations it made to NICE have been taken into account.
Monahans, one of the largest accountancy firms in the west of England, has announced details of its next Manufacturing Breakfast.
Britain's leading manufacturers have sent a powerful pre-election message about the sector's ambitions for the future and the support urgently required from the next Government.
Royal Philips has announced that it is the second largest patent applicant in the world for patents filed at the European Patent Office (EPO).
‘The Maserati 100’ – a definitive list of Britain’s most successful business leaders actively supporting the next generation of entrepreneurs has been announced by Maserati and the Centre for Entrepreneurs (CFE).
Special guest at this year’s Chamber’s annual awards and dinner on 23 April is politician, broadcaster and author Gyles Brandreth.