Oldbury school Principal Gordon Phillips will be undertaking his tenth and final fundraising run in a bid to raise money for new playground equipment for the Meadows Sports College. Gordon, aged 63, will be racing in the Carterton 10km run on Sunday 10 April and hopes to raise £4,000 in total. All money raised will go straight to the school.
After ten years at the Oldbury school, Gordon will be retiring in July so this is his last chance to raise money for the school before he leaves.
Principal Gordon Phillips said:
“I’ve taken part in a sponsored run every year of my 10 years that I’ve worked at the Meadows Sports College and raised over £11,000 during that time.
“As this is my final run before I retire I’m going all out in a bid to raise £4,000. The school is desperately in need of new playground equipment and I urge you all to donate to such a fantastic cause.
“We really want our students to have the best possible opportunities and donating as little as £1 can make all the difference.”
The Meadows Sports College based in Oldbury specialises in teaching children who have severe learning difficulties and complex needs. Some students have life limiting conditions.
To sponsor Gordon or donate to the school please visit http://www.themeadows.sandwell.sch.uk/principals-sponsorship-2016/