An Indian takeaway owner is giving away hundreds of meals to hospital. staff in memory of his baby son.

Adam Hussain, from Warwick, was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension when he was only two weeks old and died from influenza in 20217, aged 11 months.

Baabzi Miah said that he had “not forgotten the care” that his family had received at “our most challenging time”.

He is also raising money for an NHS charity and is also giving away meals to a homeless organisation.

Mr Miah is now delivering 200 meals a week to the nearby Warwick Hospital, as well as delivering a similar number to Helping Hands in Leamington Spa, which supports homeless and vulnerable people.

He said: “Adam was initially cared for at Heartlands Hospital in Birmingham, before being referred for treatment at Birmingham Children’s Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital”.

He appeared to be in recovery, but his condition declined dramatically before, as Mr Miah said; “he passed away after a very brave battle”.

Baabzi added: “You never when you, a loved one, or a friend will need the care, medical attention and the sacrifice of a front-line worker.

He said that he hopes that the gesture would make Adam proud.

Baabzi Takeawy is also delivering to paying customers with the aim of raising £10,000 for the NHS Covid-19 Urgent Appeal through an online crowdfunding page.