2 Tone Ska Orchestra, The Selecter featuring Pauline Black, and The Beat featuring Ranking Roger will be joining force for a historic performance at the New Irish Centre in Birmingham, on August 25th, 2023. The highly anticipated event promises to be an unforgettable experience for fans of the iconic 2 Tone ska movement.

The outdoor grounds on the Centre, in Kings Heath, will serve as the perfect backdrop for an extraordinary gathering of ska legends, with organisers saying: “We are thrilled to bring together these legendary ska acts for what promises to be an epic night of music and nostalgia.

“The 2 Tone Ska 50-piece Orchestra plus vocalists will be joined by The Selecter & The Beat featuring Rankin Jr.  Representing the very essence of the 2 Tone ska movement, and we look forward to having them share the stage.”

“We can’t wait to bring Birmingham an event of two-tone ska, a genre that has strong roots in the city. The evening will be a true celebration of ska history and a night to remember for all fans.” The 2 Tone Ska Orchestra, a powerhouse 50-piece ensemble comprising some of the finest musicians, will provide a perfect end of evening performance with their dynamic blend of ska, rocksteady and reggae.

An orchestra of this magnitude performing 2 tone & ska music is unprecedented and a spectacular unique show for all music lovers. The Orchestral event will feature Special Guests The Selecter & The Beat ft Rankin Jr to get the evening off to the best possible start.

The Selecter will bring their unique brand of 2 Tone ska to the forefront. Fronted by the incredible Pauline Black, this influential group has been instrumental in shaping the ska and punk scenes since their formation in the late 1970s. Expect a high-energy performance that will have the crowd skanking and dancing to their beloved hits.

The Beat featuring Rankin Jr will then take the stage, ready to deliver their signature fusion of ska, punk, reggae, and soul and captivate the audience with their timeless classics and new hits alike.