Colors: Green Color
Colors: Green Color

A Birmingham City University graduate has opened a unique coffee shop, evoking the culture, individuality and character of his native Indonesia.

Alumnus Birama Gladini and his wife Elmira Hamdi have established Ngopi – meaning ‘let’s have coffee’ in Indonesian – in order to offer an individual alternative to the uniform coffee shop chains found elsewhere in Birmingham city centre.

The majority of Ngopi’s coffee is made using the Indonesian bean, Toraja Sapan, which Birama and Elmira roast in-house using their Indonesian-made machine, Froco. Indonesian coffee is renowned for its high quality and the country is the fourth largest producer of coffee in the world.

Situated underneath The Square Shopping Centre on Dale End, Birama and Elmira are also offering light meals from their homeland, including bakwan, curry puffs and martabak. Originally from Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta, Birama and Elmira previously ran a coffee shop in their native country.

Birama completed his Enterprise Systems Management MSc at Birmingham City University in 2016, and has since been endorsed by the institution to remain in the UK through the Government’s Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa programme. This allows Birama and his family to remain in the UK for two years in order to set-up and run the business. Later, they can apply for a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) visa which allows them to remain in the UK to run their business for another three years.

Birama Gladini said: “We are beyond grateful for the opportunity Birmingham City University has given us since the beginning of our venture until now. It is through the support of Birmingham City University that me and my family have been able to achieve our dream of opening an Indonesian coffee shop here in Birmingham.

“It was not without any problems opening a new business in a new environment but we sorted it all out with the help of our mentor at the University, Richard Leighton. Richard has been wonderful throughout the process and he has been more than supportive with his actions and encouraging words that keep us going forward.

“Certainly, having three year’s worth of experience running in running a coffee shop business in Indonesia is helping us a lot. We are staying to our roots and offering a modern yet authentic Indonesian feast to fill the void of dedicated Indonesian cafes or restaurants in the Midlands. We hope that everyone, including locals and Indonesians living in the UK, love what we have to offer. ”

Birama and Elmira are now hoping the success of their UK coffee shop will allow them to open a second outlet in London in the near future. Another aim of theirs is to be the only supplier of Indonesian unroasted green coffee beans in the UK and to eventually expand across Europe.

Richard Leighton, Enterprise Manager, Birmingham City University, said: “Birama and Elmira are brilliant examples of the power of the Tier 1 visa – in that it allows individuals born outside of the UK the opportunity to live and set-up a businesses here that brings in great cultural experience and add real social and economic value to the country.

“On a visit to Southeast Asia a number of years back I noticed the diversity and uniqueness off its traditional coffee shops and as soon as Birama applied to the scheme with a fantastic business plan and experience of setting-up and running a coffee shop in Indonesi,a we immediately realised the potential for the business and its success.

“Both Birama and Elmira, as well as their little son Ralden, are exceptional and I am really proud of the work done to date and the plans for the future – we can see lots of Ngopi coffee shops right across the UK because it really offers customers something very different that you cannot get elsewhere.”

The Love British Food campaign is working with young farmers to promote British food to consumers in the build-up to British Food Fortnight which this year runs from 22nd September to 7th October.

Founder of Love British Food, Alexia Robinson said, “Collaborating with the National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs (NFYFC) makes so much sense.We are so lucky as an industry to have the most incredible network of inspirational young farmers, so many of whom are natural leaders with a strong voice in their communities and on social media, and who are the very best advocates for British food.”

Young farmer and NFYFC AGRI Chairman, James Hutchinson, said: “The NFYFC is delighted to be working with Love British Food. British Food Fortnight is a great platform to remind consumers of the high standard of British farming and to appreciate the great taste of home produced foods. Working together, our Young Farmers' Clubs have a powerful and influential voice nationally and I urge members to do what they can to support this campaign.”

Earlier this year Love British Food worked with fourteen young farmers in a '#BritishFoodisGreat' social media campaign in the build-up to the key food shopping period of Easter. Now the NFYFC is asking YFC members from across the UK to get involved in phase two of the campaign which includes a challenge to young farmers to do ONE thing during British Food Fortnight to promote British food.This could be as simple as posting a tweet or displaying a #BritishFoodisGreat foam sign or banner at farm gate; or, for the more ambitious, visiting their local school to give a talk; or helping a local establishment, such as their local pub, set up a new British supply chain.

Josh Dowbiggin, Love British Food Farming Ambassador (also Junior Agricultural Manager, Co-op and member of Co-op's Young Farming Pioneers) said: “I am incredibly passionate about British food and farming, so am really looking forward to working with NFYFC and encouraging other young farmers to get involved with the campaign.We should all be proud to be involved with British food and farming and this gives us the opportunity to promote what we do.”

To discover how Tesco's products are changing to meet the demands of today's customer, look no further than the dairy aisle.

Tesco has launched and revamped 350 dairy products providing customers with an improved range, healthier options and more choice – including those with a specific dietary requirement.

Cheese lovers will be pleased to see an extended Finest selection. A Vintage Coastal Bite Cheddar and Red Leicester Bite will be stocked, alongside a Wensleydale with Cranberries and Blueberries. For customers who like a spicy kick on their cheese board, a new Finest Red Leicester with Chipotle and Peppercorns is the perfect choice.  Yogurt connoisseurs will be impressed by an expanded choice of Finest Greek Yoghurt with both Espresso and Honey recipes added to complement the existing 10% and 0% Fat Greek Yogurt.

The range of cheeses has also been expand further with a new paneer, comte and manchego.

Tesco has also introduced a number of healthier dairy products as a part of its efforts to help customers live healthier lives. When reformulating, Tesco has committed to make products healthier, as long as the taste and quality is improved or, at the very least, maintained. As a result, many of the retailer's new yoghurts now contain less sugar, which will help the retailer meet Public Health England's 2020 goals.

The selection of new, healthier products now includes a 50% less fat mature cheese, ideal for cheese lovers with its rich, savoury flavour but half the fat content of standard cheddar. A Strawberry Quark has also been introduced for customers looking for high protein. Customers will see new, smaller 200 gram portions of zero fat yogurts to help customers control portions and prevent food waste.

Tesco has also made more products accessible for customers with a dietary requirement. Sunflower and olive spreads will become vegan friendly. The lactose free range has been extended with a lactose free semi-skimmed dairy milk. Made from cow's milk, it has the taste of dairy without the side effects associated by lactose intolerance.

Tesco has also taken a “little help” approach to pack design. All blocks of cheddar can now be opened and resealed. Scissors or a knife are no longer required​. And many of its Finest cheese range have being moved into re-sealable trays to help keep cheeses fresher for longer in the fridge

Tesco's Product Development Director, Kate Ewart said:“Customers will soon find a number of new products in our dairy aisle. Some have less sugar, making it easier for customers to live healthier lives. There are more options for vegans or customers with an intolerance. We've also made changes to the pack design, making them a little easier for customers to enjoy.”

With an estimated three million children at risk of being hungry during the school holidays in the UK this summer, and as food bank usage is reportedly hitting record highs, Welcome Community Garden and Breath of Life Community Garden have joined a nationwide initiative to grow and donate fresh fruit and vegetables to those in need.


The charitable initiative sees gardening brand Miracle-Gro connect with FoodCycle projects across the country, including Birmingham, to support those at risk of food poverty and social isolation. With the long-term aim to alleviate the nation’s food poverty crisis, the partnership hopes to kick-start a trend for green-fingered Brits to use their hobby for a wider social purpose by donating their surplus crops.


To achieve the surplus crop, Welcome Community Garden and Breath of Life Community Garden will be armed with supplies of Miracle-Gro results-driven plant food. The All-Purpose range promises 50% extra tomatoes and 10 times the fruit weight of courgettes compared to unfed: produce which will then be put to good use to create delicious, nutritious meals for those experiencing hunger and loneliness.


Gardener at Welcome Community Garden, Sam Marsh, commented:

“Within community gardens, we grow a range of fresh fruit and vegetables. Coupled with the pressure food banks are facing, there is clearly scope for us to support those in need. By using Miracle-Gro All-Purpose Liquid Plant Food, we will be able to grow a larger quantity of edibles, which we’ll be donating. This is incredibly rewarding and has the potential to make a real difference to our communities. I encourage others with an allotment or garden patch to do the same.”


Justin Powell, Regional Manager at FoodCycle in Birmingham, commented:

“Since 2009, FoodCycle has served over 250,000 meals to those in need, and we are excited for the potential of our partnership with Miracle-Gro to grow this figure further. The volume of fresh produce from the local growers will help ensure our meals continue to be delicious and nutritious. We believe firmly that food waste and food poverty should not co-exist; this is the perfect way to put the surplus produce achieved to good use.”


Lindsay Cooper, Plant Food Category Manager at Evergreen Garden Care UK Ltd., commented:

“Despite 86% of the UK population having access to their own green space, over a quarter (26%) use their outdoor space for eating, entertaining and sunbathing only. We are urging these people to try their hand at growing fruit and vegetables with Miracle-Gro. Combined with those who already grow, the volume of extra yield produced and made available for projects like FoodCycle could be huge.”

Squirrel Sisters is a health & wellness brand founded by two sisters, Sophie & Gracie Tyrrell.

Squirrel Sisters have a range of award winning bars that are innovative in format, beautifully packaged and first and foremost delicious... as well as being made with 100% natural ingredients of the highest quality. Their products also fit in with increasingly popular lifestyle choices including vegan, dairy-free, grain-free, gluten- free, paleo, raw and more.

Gracie & Sophie are sisters on a mission to help people make better and healthier choices more often...

... and they are doing just that.

Having started making their bars at home in the family kitchen a few years ago using a blender (that was officially for smoothies) they are now producing 1000's of bars a month to provide all their retailers nationwide across the U.K and abroad!

Their dream was to have their products stocked in Waitrose and that's now areality! The girls launched their bars into selected Waitrose stores and online!

Squirrel Sisters is still a tiny team (just 3 full time) so launching into major retailers is incredibly exciting for the team. Their mission is to make healthy fun, delicious and accessible and this launch has achieved just that!

Tesco is set to make a multi-million pound investment in the British lamb industry by introducing improved cost of production contracts for around 160 of its British lamb farmers.

The contracts represent the latest step in Tesco's drive to build long-term transparent partnerships with its suppliers and farmers, and will see farmers up and down the UK benefit from a price based on the average cost of production across the group. The price will be set for 12 months, before being reviewed for the second year of the contract.

All the farmers are part of the Tesco Sustainable Farming Group for lamb, a group set up in 2014 to strengthen Tesco's relationship with British lamb farmers and processors. The group meets on a regular basis to share knowledge, customer insight, and best practice around sustainability and animal welfare.

Tesco made the announcement at the Royal Welsh Show, with around a third of the farmers included in the scheme based in Wales.

George Wright, Tesco's Commercial Director for Fresh Food said:

“We know many lamb farmers are looking for stability to overcome the uncertainty surrounding CAP payments, so we're delighted to be offering these industry-leading COP contracts to 160 lamb farmers across the UK. Through our ten Sustainable Farming Groups, we're building transparent, long-term partnerships with our farmers and producers, and our cost of production model is the next stage in ensuring our farmers have the confidence to invest in their businesses and build for the future. The door is open for more British lamb farmers to join us and take advantage of the new model.”

Tesco's lamb farmers welcomed the news. Richard and Sarah Wilde, lamb farmers from Welshpool, Powys who have been supplying Tesco with lamb for over 5 years said:

“This cost of production model is great news for our farm as it gives us a guaranteed price for our lamb for the next 12 months. It means we and other lamb farmers in Wales and across the UK can invest and plan for the future with confidence, and ensure we continue to provide Tesco customers with the very best British lamb.”

Tesco is actively looking for more farmers to join the scheme, with next year's contracts starting on the 1 April.

The news comes just weeks after Tesco announced new contracts for its Aberdeen Angus beef farmers and the relaunch of the Tesco Sustainable Farming Group for Beef. Tesco now operates 10 Sustainable Farming Groups covering areas including lamb, beef, poultry and eggs, cheese and potatoes.

Children in a West Bromwich primary school are swapping their unhealthy junk food in favour of fruit and healthy snacks this month in a bid to eat more healthily.
Hargate Primary School children are being encouraged to choose healthier options at lunchtime. They have been choosing snacks like bananas, dried fruit and salad and handing in their packets of crisps and chocolate.
The drive against junk food has also taken place at a number of schools across Sandwell and was discussed at the recent School Nurse Ambassadors event between Sandwell school pupils, nurses and staff.
The project encourages children to act as ambassadors for the health of their fellow pupils by promoting all kinds of health and well-being messages from the importance of healthy eating to anti-bullying projects.
Councillor Simon Hackett, cabinet member for children's services is pleased the children and school staff are taking such a positive approach towards healthy eating. He said: "The school Nurse Ambassador programme is designed so school children can swap ideas about staying healthy and this is a great example.
"I am pleased to see the children are very aware about what is healthy and are making their own choices about what to swap."
Teacher Gabbie Thorp and school well-being lead Helen Penn implemented the no junk July at Hargate Primary School after hearing how successful it had been at other schools.
Helen said: "We heard that other schools in the area had been doing this through the School Nurse Ambassador programme and wanted to implement it here at Hargate Primary.
"The idea has proven to be a real success. We are now seeing less and less unhealthy food being brought in by the children. We hope this will continue in school after the holidays."

It's the coolest news of the summer – classic English drink Pimm's is to be launched on British high streets as an ice lolly.

Pimm's POPS, which contain just 32 calories, will be exclusively available at nearly 700 Tesco stores across the UK.

The move should please the UK's growing army of adult ice lolly fans as in the last year demand has grown by 10 per cent.

Tesco ice cream buyer Sonia Morland said:

These refreshing ice lollies are a guilt-free treat and represent a glass of Pimm's in frozen form. 

“With the present heatwave showing no end we think this great tasting ice lolly is set to be a hit at BBQs for the rest of the summer.”

Tesco has partnered with market leader POPS who have previously produced licensed products for both Fever-Tree and Fortnum & Mason.

The lollies have an ABV alcoholic rating of 4.3% per popsicle and will only be on sale to adults aged 18 and over - information that is written on the product itself.

And similar to alcohol, the lollies will indicate that the buyer needs to have ID to show they are aged 18 or over.

Earlier this year Tesco launched Halo Top, a healthier ice cream that has gone on to become a best seller in America after launching there just five years ago.

The Halo Top range has between 280-360 calories per one pint pot, and despite only launching five years ago is now amongst America's top selling ice creams.

And two years ago the supermarket launched the UK's first ever watermelon ice lolly – the first 100 per cent fruit lolly treat.

The Traditional Free Range Egg Company is celebrating yet more success following the release of this year's Taste of the West awards, taking home two Golds and one Silver across its Free Collection, as owners, Dan and Briony Wood continue to fly the flag for traditional free range egg farming. Following up on its South West Producer of the Year trophy in 2017, the Somerset-based free range egg producer and supplier picked up Gold for both its Rambling Free hens eggs and Dabbling Free goose eggs, and Silver for its Waddling Free duck eggs, whilst its Foraging Free quail eggs were also highly commended.

Applauded for their appearance and taste, Dabbling Free goose eggs were described by the judges as “a great looking egg” with a “wonderfully creamy” texture and “excellently rounded” flavour. Meanwhile, Rambling Free hens eggs, produced using the traditional flat deck method, drew praise from the judges for the “glorious” colour of their rich and vibrant yolks, with the judges simply commenting, “they taste great”.

Dan Wood, managing director of The Traditional Free Range Egg Company, explains: “We're overjoyed to see eggs from our Free Collection winning awards for another consecutive year and it's a real testament to the consistency and quality of egg that can be produced using traditional farming methods. We have always believed that truly free range birds lay the best of the bunch, and we hope that these accolades will inspire like-minded family-run farms to resist the more industrialised methods that are now dominating free range egg production.”

Foodies across the UK will be heading to GO! Organic Festival in their thousands this September for London's exciting new organic food and music festival.

Taking place over the weekend of 8-9 September at Battersea Park, the event's stellar line-up now includes celebrity cook Melissa Hemsley, one half of the Hemsley + Hemsley sisters – whose inspirational food business is well-known for championing the importance of good nutrition, sustainable sourcing and responsible environmental practices.

Called “the Queen of the kitchen” by Marie Clare, Melissa will be extending her reign to GO!'s Organic Kitchen stage.  Closing the event with the last interactive session of the day at 4pm on Sunday 9 September, she'll be offering visitors a rare treat as she shares insights into her career so far, tips on eating well and making the most out of ingredients, and answers audience questions.  All whilst serving up a sumptuous selection of fast, fuss-free dishes from her new bestselling book Eat Happy: 30-minute feelgood food.  There will also be book signing opportunities following her session.

“We are thrilled to be able to offer such an incredible Organic Kitchen line-up for our first event,” says GO! Organic Festival's sales manager, Amanda Thackray.

“GO! Organic Festival is about people coming together to have fun and share their love of all things organic.  It's about seeing, sampling, tasting, experiencing, and discovering what's out there, what's new.  The event is already creating quite a buzz across London and beyond, and having Melissa Hemsley part of the line-up just makes it even more unmissable.  This is really big news for us and a huge opportunity for visitors to hear insights from such an influential and knowledgeable healthy eating advocate.”

A feast for the senses

Over two action-packed days, the festival will feature over a dozen demos in the Organic Kitchen.  Other new names on the menu include: Honey Spencer, sommelier extraordinaire for Abel & Cole, sharing her top organic wine picks for the months ahead; and nutritional expert Christine Bailey (her new book My Kids Can't Eat That: How to Deal with Allergies & Intolerances in Children is out next month), who will be sharing her favourite allergy-free recipes for the whole family.

Jay Morjaria, founder of London's first meat-free cookery school Sutra Kitchen, has also been confirmed as GO!'s Organic Kitchen host.  A regular at food festivals and events, the 'plant-forward' chef recently appeared on the BBC's Million Pound Menu, where his innovative East Asian restaurant concept 'Dynasty' (already a sell-out London supper-club) landed an investment offer of £500,000.

Tesco has announced it will continue its multi-million pound investment in the growth of the British Aberdeen Angus herd, with 1,600 farmers in the UK set to benefit from new 12 month contracts which will guarantee a price above the standard market rate for beef.

The Aberdeen Angus farmers are located across the UK and supply Tesco with all its Finest beef steaks, mince and joints. Aberdeen Angus beef is recognised for its quality, and all the cuts included in Tesco's range are aged for 28 days, providing customers with the best possible quality and flavour.

To coincide with the introduction of the new contracts, Tesco is re-launching its Tesco Sustainable Farming Group for Beef. The Group becomes the 10th Tesco Sustainable Farming Group following the setting up of groups in areas including dairy, pork, lamb, poultry, eggs, potatoes and brassicas.

The groups provide a forum to discuss sustainable production, customer needs, Tesco's quality standards and how Tesco and its supply base can work more closely together. They also play an important role in terms of securing supply, increasing efficiency and improving animal welfare.

Tesco's Commercial Director for Fresh Food, George Wright said:

“We're committed to building long-term, transparent partnerships with our suppliers, growers and farmers. These new contracts and the reformation of our Sustainable Farming Group for beef strengthens the partnerships we have with our farmers and means they can build their businesses and invest for the future, while providing our customers with the best quality British beef.”

David Knox, Sales Account Manager at Foyle Group, one of Tesco's Aberdeen Angus beef processors, said:

"We are delighted with Tesco's ongoing commitment and investments in their Finest range. The new contract will help secure long term sustainability for the beef sector. We are also excited about Tesco's restructuring their Sustainable Farming Group for Beef as it will act as a great platform in allowing suppliers to bring forward innovative ideas to deliver positive influence for the Industry."

Animals are reared to Red Tractor welfare standards and Tesco's Beef Livestock Codes of Practice.

Entirely plastic free and crafted from the humble rice husk, Huskup's reusable coffee cups have now become a canvas, inspiring designers to help the nation's coffee lovers to say no to single use. An instant bestseller for Huskup, the 'Thumbs Up' design caught the mood of the moment and has set the tone for a range of other patterns inspired by nature.

Frome-based designer, Donna Sarah is the creative behind these concepts, and a full range of her designs is now available from Huskup. Representing fundamental features of the natural world, from the coastline to the woodlands to the mountains, each design also leaves space for the natural material of the rice husk to shine through. These new designs, named Pebbles, Sticks and Triangles, take a simple, geometric approach, appealing to an eco-audience who want a unique product to reuse time and again.

Richard Milton, founder of Huskup, explains: “To create a truly green product, all the pieces of the eco-jigsaw have to fit together, so choosing to work with local designers who share our environmental principles was a no brainer. Donna's designs have naturally struck a chord with reusable cup shoppers across the country, and with more design collaborations on the way, we plan to keep Huskup a desirable product that makes it easy and appealing to tackle disposable culture.”

Donna Sarah, designer of the mono Huskup range, adds: “I was very impressed by the way that Huskup uses a by-product to resolve a pressing modern-day problem and it has been a great opportunity to be one of the first designers to work with the rice husk material. The thumbs up design is a little message to represent the good that the cup is doing for the earth, while with the other designs I took the planet itself as my starting point. Each one is based on an element of nature, the ground beneath us, the water and the trees, all things we must look to protect from now on.”

Gosta Green in Birmingham has just launched a brand new menu and there's something for everyone - especially vegans!

New on-trend dishes include a Vegan Burger - a spicy bean burger topped with mixed leaves, vegan mayonnaise, a vegan cheese slice and BBQ pulled jackfruit, served in a toasted bagel.

Described as 'pulled pork for vegetarians', jackfruit is being hailed as the next big food trend. A large, green spiky fruit originating from India, South America and South-east Asia, with a meaty texture and appearance, jackfruit is particularly popular with vegetarians and vegans.

Jackfruit features in other new dishes on the menu, including Jackfruit Bao Buns - a lotus style steamed bun filled with pulled BBQ jackfruit.

Other vegan-friendly dishes include Macaroni Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Chilli and Salad (Black Bean and Butternut Squash Quinoa Chilli with Spicy Rice finished with vegan cheese and vegan mayonnaise), Falafel Salad, Mac and Cheese, Nachos, Chilli Fries, Avocado Fries and Halloumi Fries.

If you're a meat eater, don't worry there's plenty on offer for you too! Check out our Chicken Curry Burger, Maple Bacon Burger and Double Decker Burger as well as 'Burger of the Month'.

Other meaty treats include Buttermilk Ribs (buttermilk dusted pork ribs, crispy fried and drizzled with BBQ sauce), Chicken & Waffles (crispy fried buttermilk chicken breast and zingy house slaw sandwiched between toasted waffles and drizzled with maple syrup), and Chicken Waffle Goujons.

Desserts don't disappoint either! Choose from gooey Chocolate Fritters (crispy fried Mars Bar or a Snickers bar coated in Doughnut Batter served with vanilla ice cream), scrumptious Cookie Dough, tempting Smores Biscuit (Digestive biscuits filled with Hazlenut chocolate spread and toasted mini marshmallows, drizzled with chocolate flavoured sauce) or our mouth-watering Smores Doughnut!

Plus we have a wide range of craft beers and wines and new 'Martinny' cocktails (cocktails in a can) on the autumn menu. For the more health-conscious, check out the new Avocado Go-Go, Breakfast Smoothie and protein-based smoothies: Fruitasia and The Veggie-Nator.

Alongside the new dishes and drinks, several great deals have been introduced. Customers can double their loyalty points on Mondays by receiving 20 points for every £1 spent on food or drinks, Tuesdays become 'Pancake Tuesday' with pancakes priced at 25p all day, whilst Wednesdays are 'Wing Wednesday' with chicken wings on offer for just 25p a wing all day.

General manager Stefan Sroczynski, says: "We're really excited about the new menu! We have lots of demand for vegan and vegetarian dishes, so we wanted to ensure we had plenty of options to choose from. The jackfruit dishes are really amazing, even meat eaters will love the flavour and texture as it really does taste like pulled pork! We think we've got something for everyone on offer this autumn, so come on down and try our new dishes for yourself!"

City of Wolverhampton’s Festival of Food and Drink at the weekend saw record attendance over the two days – up by almost 7,000 on last’s year inaugural event.

More than 25,000 people enjoyed the festival in the heart of the city centre on Saturday and Sunday after snapping up free tickets.

All tickets for Saturday were secured by Friday evening – and it is estimated the economic benefit to the city over the weekend is around £420,000.

Families revelled in the sunshine off Wulfruna Street, with a wide range of food and drink available, artisan stalls, live music, an open-air cinema, and traditional fairground games across both days.

Visitors on Saturday were treated to a flypast by a C47 Dakota from the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF) team.

And shortly after thousands were on cloud nine as they watched England’s glorious World Cup quarter-final win over Sweden on the big screen.

Organiser William Power of Street Banquet and Director of E11EVEN GROUP, said: “A massive thank you to everyone that attended and supported this year’s Wolverhampton Festival of Food & Drink. We were blessed with great weather and a World Cup victory to add to what was an amazing weekend for our team and hopefully the 25,000-plus people in attendance.

“Special thanks go out to all the traders that went above and beyond in what is a challenging weekend’s work for them. All of which were fantastic! Without them there is no foundation for this event so thank you from everyone involved. We do our best to bring new traders and tastes to the city and hope to do so more regularly moving forward.

“The festival provides a great offering and family day out in the city. This was only the second year for us and we are still looking for ways to improve your experience. We take on board all the feedback and plan to come back with an even better festival for you next year.”

Visitor comments on social media included ‘Amazing day! Fun times for my hen do with friends and family and an England win to compliment the food and drink!, ‘What an event! I still can’t get over we was in middle of Wolverhampton and had spent not a penny to get in! Everyone involved in this event should be so proud what a day!, ‘Second year in a row this event was a brilliant day out as expected. Huge range of food and drinks vendors to choose from’.

Councillor John Reynolds, Cabinet Member for City Economy, said: “I am delighted the flagship event of our Enjoy Wolverhampton visitor programme hit new heights this year.

“It is another example of Wolverhampton putting itself on the map and showcases exactly what the city has to offer to residents and visitors.”

In addition to strong advanced ticket numbers, almost 500 visitors chose to pay on the gate at the festival, which resulted in £488 going to the chosen charities of Mayor of Wolverhampton, Councillor Phil Page, and the other half to event costs.

The math has been done and the financial rewards of using a reusable cup are compelling.

The individual saving is not insignificant. The average Brit, enjoying two cups of coffee every day,* could save up to £365 a year by refilling a reusable when opting for the biggest discount currently available – Pret's 50p incentive.

It's worth it. Especially considering that a reusable cup will pay for itself within as little as nine days in the case of a two-coffee-a-day consumer.

However, when considered collectively, the numbers are even more persuasive.

Recent figures show that the British public spent £6.3 billion on takeaway coffee in just a year* – that equates to around 2.8 billion cups of coffee,* with the preference being for milk-based coffees such as lattes and cappuccinos.

Based on these figures and the top discount of 50p, if every coffee purchased was served in a reusable cup, coffee drinking Brits could collectively save an astonishing £1.4 billion a year.

It's clear we're all mad for the stuff, but our coffee cravings mean we're responsible for 2.5 billion single-use plastic cups going to landfill every year. That's over 6.8 million every single day.

So, it's great news - for both the environment and for our wallets - that more coffee shops than ever are now offering incentives for customers using reusable cups.

And if coffee consumers were to make just one of their daily coffees at home, decanting into a reusable cup for their morning commute rather than buying en route, they could save a further £574.20 a year.*

Ecoffee Cup founder David McLagan says: “It's great news that so many high-street coffee shops are now offering incentives for customers using reusable cups. The potential saving of £1.4 billion a year makes it an obvious investment and allows coffee drinkers to be part of the solution to single-use plastic waste whilst also saving up to £365 each a year.

“Switching to a reusable cup is a small change that could make a big difference, and at Ecoffee Cup we offer a wide range of designs that are not only functional but stylish too – from iconic William Morris patterns to bold colours, there's an Ecoffee Cup to suit everyone.”

“Doing your bit for the oceans has never been so easy (and stylish)” says Ecoffee Cup customer, Priya. “Plus you often get money off your coffee when using a reusable cup. Just do it.”

Visitors to the first day of City of Wolverhampton’s Food & Drink Festival on Saturday, July 7 can also enjoy the spectacular sights and sounds of a commemorative Royal Air Force flypast.

A C47 Dakota from the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF) team will makes three passes above the city centre event at around 2.20pm.

The festival will take place on Wulfruna Street, the Civic Centre Ceremonial car park, St Peter’s car park and the pedestrian area outside the University of Wolverhampton’s Ambika Paul building.

More than 15,000 free tickets have already been snapped up for the weekend festival on Saturday, July 7 and Sunday 8 (12pm to 8pm on both days).

It is the flagship event of this year’s packed ‘Enjoy Wolverhampton’ visitor programme and tickets for both days can be booked online in advance at

Fittingly, the C47 Dakota is a transport aircraft that moved food supplies regularly during wartime.

City of Wolverhampton Council Cabinet Member for City Economy, Councillor John Reynolds, said: “The RAF celebrates its 100th anniversary this year and we are delighted the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight team have chosen to honour one of our most popular city events with a flypast.

“As a city and a council we are signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant and fully support them in any way we can.

“It will be great to see thousands of people at the Food & Drink Festival get to enjoy this spectacular sight – it adds even more to what is a fantastic family event and shows how it is already growing in only its second year.”

More than 18,500 people attended the inaugural festival and this year’s offer is even bigger and better, with around 80 different food and drink outlets.

Partnerships and collaborations with the likes of Digbeth Dining Club will see award winning street food and drink traders making their City of Wolverhampton debuts.

There will be a wider range of food and drink traders, artisan stalls, and exhibitors, alongside live music, an open-air cinema, Prosecco bar, guest appearances, family area and traditional fairground games.

The BBMF operates from RAF Conningsby, a Typhoon and fighter base, in Lincolnshire.

The mission of the BBMF is to maintain the priceless artefacts of our national heritage in airworthy condition to commemorate those who have fallen in the service of this country, to promote the modern-day Air Force and to inspire future generations.

Flown by regular serving RAF aircrew, the flight operates six Spitfires, two Hurricane Mk 2Cs, and a Lancaster, as well as a C47 Dakota and two Chipmunk aircraft.